Caroline obtained her PhD thesis in exercise physiology and neuroscience at the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis in 2017 before taking up a postdoc position at l’Institut de Neurobiologie de la Méditerranée, located in Luminy. Her field of expertise was mainly axed on the interplay between exercise physiology and the central nervous system (CNS) during the acute phase of stroke. With a multi-dimensional approach, from molecular to behavior analyses, she investigated the effectiveness of several endurance training regimen, as a treatment after stroke.
In this setting, she mastered the transient Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion (tMCAO) surgery to induce cerebral ischemia in a rodent stroke model. She used a set of behavioral tests (i.e. cognitive and sensorimotor) to investigate functional recovery kinetics and performed molecular and histological analysis through western blotting, ELISA and immunohistological methods to quantify neuroplasticity markers in brain and muscle tissues.
She also worked on more fundamental features of stroke by performing in vivo electrophysiological analysis in the spinal cord as well as in the brain using stereotaxic recordings to better understand the CNS reorganization in areas distant from the ischemic core.