
New services from SYNCROSOME

SYNCROSOME provides frozen or fixed slices of different tissues mounted on slides  from several preclinical models. PAH models (Monocrotaline or SuHxNx) LUNGS and HEART (right and left ventricle) PLASMA samples   HEART FAILURE models (Isoproterenol or Myocardial infarction) HEART (right and left ventricles)   PARKINSON models (6-OHDA and Lactacystine): BRAIN   ASTHMA...

The next Emesis/Nausea Session in ferret

[vc_row][vc_column width='1/2'] The availability for the next Emesis/Nausea Session in ferret is: October 2021. Book your slot without further delay. The SYNCROSOME team is delighted to welcome a cohort of young male ferrets. As the gold standard for emetic assessment, ferret is the well-established animal model of...

Microbiome & Probiotics Series

See you soon in Rotterdam (20-22 May, 2019) to exchange on Gastrointestinal, Cardiovascular and Central Nervous System diseases.Let's stay tuned and we will give you more details on our talk, booth and possibility to meet their! ...

Syncrosome at the next Microbiome & Probotics Forum in Amsterdam

The 4th Microbiome R&D and Business collaboration Forum will feature 2 days of interactive presentations, poster presentation and networking opportunity, in Amsterdam (Netherlands) from 3 to 4th of April. This conference will offer a complete programme focusing on preclinical animal model and specific focuses : Probiotics and Digestive Health (Roles...

Novel therapeuthic target against Ulcerative Colitis-Crohn disease in a mouse IBD model

Temperature sensitive anti-inflammatory Novel therapeuthic target against IBD Ulcerative colitis (UC) together with Crohn’s disease (CD), are Inflammatory bowel diseases (mouse IBD). The chronic and relapsing inflammation of all or part of the digestive tract causes severe diarrhea, pain, fatigue and weight loss. Researchers currently...