Our Cardiovascular department has a focused expertise on major cardiovascular diseases (Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, Ischemia Reperfusion, Heart failure…) to perform in vivo pharmacology studies and the knowledge, skills and in vivo platform to test a therapeutic agent efficacy. For Cardiovascular invasive techniques, we possess accredited surgical rooms and an acknowledged technical staff. Our rodent models (rats or mice depending on the pathology) are fitted for testing disease-modifying drug or compounds acting on symptomatic effects.
Following your needs, it is possible to perform classical, Per Os (PO), Intravenous (IV), Intraperitoneal (IP) or Intramuscular administration as well as perfusion. Our mission being to perform in depth efficacy characterization studies of your compounds, we use telemetric system to analyze various physiological parameters such as: Heart rate, Blood Pressure and Body temperature. A Laser Doppler system is used to evaluate tissue perfusion or blood flow and perform Echocardiography to measure cardiac function and morphology. Moreover the study of specific biomarkers (Troponins I or C, Oxydative Stress) by Immuno-HistoChemistry and/or ELISA is performed and can be applied to in vivo models such as Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, Heart failure, Ischemia reperfusion…